All Hail the Binky

A few hours ago I had a long phone conference with the producers regarding the latest outline of the Wedding Comedy, so I have to ponder (read: cry over) the notes they gave me tonight… but I just wanted to report that the Peanut accepted a pacifier for the first time today.  The change that has come over WriterDad Manor is almost mind-blowingly profound; for starters, I COULD have a long phone conference with the producers.  Who knows how long this will last, but I have to say — this is friggin’ awesome.  I feel like a caveman who just witnessed the discovery of fire.

Next post: Why you should avoid managers, and why you’re still going to end up with one anyway.  And maybe I’ll discuss/vent about THE CLONE WARS, which I hope to slip out of the homestead to see this weekend.  Part of me will never grow up.

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4 Comments on “All Hail the Binky”

  1. Alan McCoy Says:

    Congrats! The binky will come to represent a controllable environment of peace and sanity…And you’ll want to have several backups stashed in strategic locations. (your pocket, the car, and multiple locations around the house)

    After raising four little tax deductions, you can trust me on this.

  2. writerdad303 Says:

    Oh, believe me, Alan — we’re going to Babies R Us this weekend and buying out their binky inventory.. 🙂

  3. The Last Spartan Says:

    We had to preconceived notion with our first born that we were going to be “those” people. The anti-binky snobs. Of course, we received some as part of baby gift packages. For a brief, initial period of time, our son was able to be soothed sans binky.

    Of course, that was followed by the “mother of all discontents” and weary, bewildered and desperate…we ripped open that package. More specifically I ripped open the package.

    She: “What are you doing?! I thought we said ‘no bink’?”

    Me: “That was before it was 4 am and I have to get up in an hour! Besides, how many 28 year olds do you know that go to work with binky in mouth? He’ll get over it!”

    As soon as he got the bink…he quieted down and was, in fact, pacified. The wife looked at me in loving amazement having totally forgotten what she was angry with me for…

  4. WriterDad Says:

    Last Spartan, I was totally anti-binky before, too — my three siblings and I never so much as sucked our thumbs, so why should my offspring need a plug? The Missus, on the other hand, enjoyed a binky until she was, oh, twenty or so (okay, maybe not that long), and was much more amenable to the idea. Funny how my resistance dissipated about as quickly as yours did when our respective backs were against the wall…:)

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